Our response to COVID-19

As the world faces an unprecedented health crisis, we stand with our people. This means our employees, who work tirelessly to bring energy to the world. It means our communities, the neighbors and the families who support us. And it means the global community - for whom energy is an essential and integral part of their lives.

To our people all around the world, we are ready, and we are responsive. We are in this together.

As the world faces an unprecedented health crisis, we stand with our people. This means our employees, who work tirelessly to bring energy to the world. It means our communities, the neighbors and the families who support us. And it means the global community - for whom energy is an essential and integral part of their lives. To our people all around the world, we are ready, and we are responsive. We are in this together.

Amin H. Nasser , President & CEO

About our response

The world depends on us, and we are committed to delivering - for our people, our communities and our global customers.

Our people

We are part of Saudi Aramco's 70,000 men and women who work tirelessly to bring energy to the world. Our people are our most valuable resource, and we are committed to protecting their safety.

We are instituting measures to minimize the spread of the virus, limiting exposure to potential at-risk individuals, cancelling events, and taking meetings and training programs online. Our dedicated teams are disinfecting public and office spaces, setting up additional hand sanitizer stations, and putting up educational posters throughout our facilities. We have also facilitated working from home wherever possible, including employees considered to be at higher risk from infection, to reduce the in-office population, all in line with social distancing instructions issued by authorities in each of our locations. We're also educating our employees on the risks and precautionary measures they can take to protect themselves, offering regular advice, guidance and a dedicated advice hotline.

Our communities

We are more than just a company; we are a community. A community that includes families, neighbors and friends.

Working with the communities in each of our geographies, and in line with relevant government measures, we are providing support that includes much-needed medical equipment such as ventilators, high-efficiency air purifiers and Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).

Together, Saudi Aramco's global offices have committed to contributing more than US$3.5 million to support healthcare and disaster relief organizations.

In India, we facilitated a donation of USD 0.5 million to Indian Red Cross society to supply personal hygiene and sanitization kits to first responders and other vulnerable sections, across 16 states and union territories in India. Indian Red Cross society is collaborating closely with the Indian government to alleviate pain caused due to ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and Aramco India is privileged to support them in their relief efforts.

Our operations

Despite the present global challenge of COVID-19, we remain committed to the reliable production and supply of energy-the cornerstone of our company and our promise to our customers.

We already have inbuilt systems for managing global crises, and have never missed a shipment for operational reasons. Those same systems are in place now, so that we can continue to deliver to the world. We have increased preventative measures across our facilities to ensure they are protected from contamination, and are continually sterilizing workspaces and instituting health checks across our teams. Our dedicated employees are keeping the energy flowing; to the markets, the manufacturers, and the municipalities. The continuity of daily life have never been more important.